Risk Management Software

Symbiant’s Risk Management Software is the best solution for managing your organisation’s Risks, Controls, Policies, Incidents, and Compliance needs.

Why is Symbiant the best? We’ve been in this business longer than anyone else, offering a solution that’s more advanced, flexible, and customisable than anyone else’s. And we’re proud to say we offer better value than anyone else. Choose Symbiant for your risk management needs.

That is why Symbiant is the only solution endorsed by the accounting governing body, The Institute of Chartered Accountants.


All modules are only £100 each per month.

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Risk Management Software

What we Provide

Symbiant Risk Management

With a full range of Risk modules which include:

  • Risk Registers
  • Risk Workshops
  • Risk Incident Reporter
  • KRI – Key Risk Indicators
  • Risk Controls and Policies
  • Risk Assessments

Why choose anything else?

Oh… and It’s all fully customisable to your exact requirements.

Which Means with Symbiant, you get a perfect fit for now and in the future.

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We wanted to get away from managing our company risks in MS Excel and Share Point, and automate the entire process with improved reporting and email workflow and action management. So we started looking at options. We reviewed a number of vendors from small start-ups to multinational companies who provided very different products at hugely varied prices. Our Insurance Broker recommended Symbiant to us as they already use them for Risk Management, so we reached out to them. After a comprehensive demo we quickly realised that Symbiant offered us a comprehensive Risk Management platform at by far the most competitive price we’d seen, with more customisation options and potential future add-ons than any of the competitors we viewed.
Evolution Money
Evolution Money
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Symbiant has revolutionised the way we manage and oversee risk. The system offers seemingly endless customisation, real time risk visibility, takes away the need to review various spreadsheets and sends helpful reminders whenever action is required.

The Symbiant Team have been super helpful in supporting the embed of the system and tailored it to our specific requirements.

Big thanks to the Team and highly recommend if you are looking for a powerful, flexible, and cost-effective audit, risk and compliance management system!
Simply Business
Simply Business
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A welcome change from spreadsheets – Symbiant holds all of our risk registers, assessments and controls library together in one place with the ability to link risks and incidents.

The tracker and email notification is really useful to help risk owners monitor and manage their risks by self serving. Creating our own custom reports and dashboards eases the process of gathering important MI. A really useful software.


Enterprise Risk Management

A cost-effective, intuitive and simple-to-use Cloud Based Risk Management Software Solution that has all the management tools you will need to embed across the entire business.

All the Software Tools you need

Symbiant has all the features you need, ready for when you need them, add on new modules when you need them for only £100 per month.
Symbiant enables the easy implementation of ISO31000, ISO 27001 and ISO 27005.

Company Wide Participation

The full set of modules helps you to extend an Enterprise Risk management Solution across the business. Designed to be used by both Risk Experts and Non-Risk Specialists.

Advanced Features

Link Controls to risks to get real time residual risk scoring.
Set multiple Risk appetite levels and tollorances.
Test controls and monitor performance or environmental issues with Risk Indicators.

Automated Emails

Fully customisable Automated Emails ensure users are aware of all Real-Time Risk changes.

While Automated Email Reminders, ensure no Risk task is left incomplete.

Fully Customisable

The entire Risk Management Solution can be tailored and customised to your exact requirements.
Create a bespoke compliance System perfect for your business.

Software Solutions

Risk Registers

Symbiant’s Risk Registers is the best solution to enhance your organisation’s risk approach. Packed full of features, with no lengthy setup or integration process, it is fully customisable to your exact risk approach.

No wonder it was awarded the Most Trusted Risk Management Solution.

Moreover, the module is used extensively by financial service organisations and other industries, including charities. Additionally, the module connects to Audit and Compliance (if modules are installed) to create a holistic system that can supercharge your organisation’s overarching view on everything risk.

Features Included:

  • Dynamic Residual Scoring
  • Real-Time Calculated Risk Appetites
  • Risk Flows (Domino Affect)
  • Ability to Link to Audit & Compliance
  • Ability to use Qualitative and Quantitative Scoring
  • Fully Customisable (Create Custom Risk Matrices and Maps)

The institute of Risk Management

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Risk Workshops

Symbiant’s Risk Workshops solution identifies, measures, treats, and monitors potential and current risks.

One of the biggest dilemmas for risk managers is achieving company-wide participation in the organisation’s risk management process. Indeed, as every Risk Manager knows, the benefits of departmental managers collaborating in the organisation’s risk program are significant.

Furthermore, it is a requirement in risk-based compliance and standards frameworks. Nevertheless, the problem is engaging with these key people. Even if the managers want to participate, distance and workloads can make it hard to organise meetings.

The Module has four main stages:

  1. Identity (Add and Discuss Relevant Risks)
  2. Measure (Vote on Impact and Likelihood, Gross, Net and Target Scores)
  3. Treat (Suggest and Ballot Treatment Plans)
  4. Monitor (Create and give ownership of Action Plans. Finally, adopt Treated Risks to a Risk Register)

When a Workshop’s completed it can be archived and reported on. This is ideal for looking back on why certain decisions were made.

Risk Incident Reporter

Symbiant’s Risk Incident Reporter solution allows identified incidents to be logged, actioned, and linked directly to risks.

To begin with, the module can be used as a standalone tool for capturing events or potential issues that need to be reported, managed, or connected with Risk Registers to create a comprehensive Risk Management Platform.

Features Include:

  • Dynamic Incident Analysis and Management
  • Ability to Action Incidents (Assign Users, Add Due Dates and Attach Evidence)
  • Capture a comprehensive amount of Incident Data Points
  • Ability to Link to Risks and Controls
  • Detailed Reporting of Incident Health (Including Resolution Analysis)
  • Fully Customisable (Create a perfect Incident Reporting Flow)
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Risk Controls and Policies

Symbiant’s Controls and Policies Solution is a comprehensive, advanced, fully featured Control Management Module.

Firstly, Control Management is a critical part of Risk Management and a mandatory requirement for some sectors. In this regard, Symbiant makes this easy, with no complicated setup and an intuitive design. Furthermore, they enable the creation, actioning, and monitoring of Controls to be fast, effective, and, most importantly, simple.

Features Include:

  • Real-Time Monitoring of Risk Exposure
  • Control Policy Integration
  • Control Weightings on Risk Scores
  • Risk Bowties
  • Actioning Controls (Assign Users, Add Due Dates and Attach Documents)
  • Create and Schedule Control Assessments (Requires Risk Assessments)

Risk Assessments

Symbiant’s Risk Assessment Software solution enables the creation of custom questionnaires with complex rules that can be used to ensure risks are being reviewed and evaluated correctly.

In addition, the module also includes the ability to create Key Risk Indicators (KRI) in questionnaires to assess potential strains on risks.

Features Include:

  • Ability to Create Custom Questionnaires
  • Ability to use Complex Rules to control an Assessments Flow
  • Ability to Schedule Risk Assessments
  • Ability to create KRI Questionnaires
  • View Historical Change between Assessment Responses
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KRI - Key Risk Indicators

Free Feature

Create powerful indicators that are linked to risks. Typically, risk indicators are used as early warning signals so you can monitor the health of risk-related factors. Moreover, the Key Risk Indicator (KRI) feature is a complimentary addition built directly into questionnaires and risk registers for all clients.

Feature Benefits:

  • Real-Time Monitoring of Strained Risks
  • Ability to Link RIs to multiple Risks
  • Ability to View Historical KRI Values

GRC4.00 Agile GRC
Agile GRC solution that is highly intuitive, configurable, and engaging systems for front-end to back-office risk functions