Service Desk Software

The Symbiant Service Desk Module enables organisations to log, action and resolve business issues in a flexible and intuitive ticket-style system.

By leveraging Symbiant One, you can make your business issues actionable by automating tasks and customising the solution to meet your specific requirements.


All modules are only £100 each per month.

A Screenshot of the Service Desk module dashboard - showing the variety of data tables and charts available.
Service Desk Module


Service Desk Module

The Service Desk Software Module enables you to create tickets based on a customisable set of types, address issues that arise from tickets, and dialogue with the ticket creator to maintain a chat log between parties.

Symbiant Service Desk Module for only £100 per month!


Customisable Ticket Types

Create completely custom ticket types for your business needs.

Create a bespoke solution for your needs.

Chat Logs

Engage with ticket reporters and superiors in a chat log-style comment section.

Building a dialogue between all parties.

Actionable Issues

Gather information through Tickets that can form actions in other areas of the Business and discover issues you may need to be made aware of.

Greater Control over Issues that Matter.

Module Linking

Link the Service Desk to any other Modules in your System. Connected Links allow for more context to be given to Tickets.

Connecting your entire solution together.

Automated Emails

Automated Emails ensure users are aware of Real-Time Ticket changes. While reminders, ensure chat logs are read.

No more chasing if a task is due.

Fully Customisable

The entire Service Desk Software Module can be tailored and customised to your exact requirements.

All the power at your fingertips.

About the Module

The Service Desk Module facilitates the collection of any ticket-based data your business may need.

As the ticket types are fully customisable, there are no limits to the module’s functionality.

The Module can gather data about suspicious behaviours and issues in the day-to-day running of the business, requesting changes to documents in the Document Management Module to product development and marketing.

Automatic emails notify users and superiors of newly submitted tickets, updates to tickets, and notifications when a ticket is resolved.

A Screenshot of the Service Desk Creation Form.
A Screenshot of the Service Desk Comment Section.

The Service Desk Module facilitates a chat log comment section between users submitting tickets and the associated managers. These chat logs can be used to give or request further details, discuss resolutions or actions from the tickets and more.

Chat logs are securely stored on the system and cannot be tampered with. This allows a complete history to be available if required through a Report or using the System’s Historical Features.